Global Logistics Provider

Delivering smarter connected customer solutions
Logistics is an industry long affected by inefficient and manual processes. Add to that customers are ever more demanding and expect highly competitive pricing

Pushing the Boundaries of Logistics Provision

Logistics is an industry long affected by inefficient and manual processes. Add to that customers are ever more demanding and expect highly competitive pricing. Faced with a tough contract renewal with two of its largest customers, the client realised that it needed to work smarter rather than harder to deliver.



How We Delivered The Customers Solution

The challenge

The Client was coming up to a contract renewal with two of its largest customers – the largest computer manufacturer and heavy machine manufacturing company. As part of the new contract, they were both looking for more streamlined SLA’s and KPI’s Reporting process.


To meet the new contract requirements, the Client needed a significantly enhanced reporting capability that would replace the highly manual time consuming and error prone data collection exercise, which required accessing multiple different data sources to create the reporting package.


Incepteo ran a number of business discovery workshops to clearly understand challenges and enable it to propose possible solutions that the new reporting tool could offer. This resulted in a technical strategy document along with a detailed scope of the solution.


The solution built provided the ability to collect required data from multiple back-end systems so that the operations team had a single view and reporting capability for the SLA’s and KPI’s agreed with its customers. Reporting could then be scheduled and delivered to the customers as per the agreed contracts.


The solution significantly increased the productivity of the operations team and allowed them to focus on higher value tasks in servicing their customers.


This resulted in both the customers renewing service contracts.

"We have been working with Incepteo for over 5 years. They have proven to be a solid partner supporting key applications. During this period the collaboration has resulted in tangible solutions supporting our customers and operations."

Global Director,
Business Information and Market Intelligence.

Technologies used to deliver the project

Web Technologies

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